So, I feel a bit ashamed. I bet nobody will read this as it's been way too long since I last wrote. I finally have something to write about, though! The absence was legit: I don't want to be one of those bloggers who write about fluff and nothing and their deep feelings. *gag*
I am just home from a short trip out to Edmonton, Alberta. It was my first time in Alberta, actually, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Albertans are very kind people. Edmonton is a lovely city.
Inside the WEst Edmonton Mall, they have a ship! (And a casino, a skating rink, a waterpark, mini putting, thousands of places to shop, China town, Bourbon Street, etc, but I digress.) I give you, the Santa Maria.

Whale head and

Whale tail...

Small T rex head as WEM. Lots of random stuff in that place.

Awesome guy with lunchbox. as some significance, but I'm tired so nobody gets to know but me.

This a monument for all those who perished in the genocidal fasmine inflicted on Ukraine by the Soveit Regime in Moscow 1932-33.

Ah, street fest food! These are the green onion cakes I've been raving about since my return. Why we don't have these in Ontario, I'll never know. They are delicious, though, with a bit of plum or hot sauce.

Deep fried mars bar. Had to try it, my arteries were crying, though, so I will never do it again.

Edmonton street festival performers. Fat dancers. Their big fat suits were filled with air and had speakers in the sides, so they had music wherever they went. very odd, but very amusing indeed.

Citadel Theatre downtown.

Random pleasant Edmonton building.

This is the window from a neat nightclub I passed called "Lux."

The lovely Alberta sky.

I do so love Vespas, and here is a small series of vespa butterflies I saw pasted to the wall in a walking tunnel.

Forget the name of this little park, but it was pleasant.

This is my last sunset in Edmonton, right after it poured rain for maybe 15 minutes or so. I was very tired when I got back to my hotel room, but didn't manage to sleep until I had packed my suitcase to head home.

This is the same sunset, but reflected on the building...