So, I'm sure this is boring, and I'm sorry that the captions are LESS than setllar and inspiring, but I'm tired. All I managed was to upload the photos from our drive and from a couple other instances. Hopefully, will post something exciting in the near future. (Here's to hoping.) At any rate, enjoy!
Our backyard.

Lake something or other.

On the water.

Field and fence.

After securing herself a Tim Bit, and jumping all over the place with happiness over being invited on the car trip, Marlo is finally at ease.

Like so many songs say, it's a winding road...

Lovely farm.

Old school car.

More hills.

The hills on our drive...


You know you're having fun when.... you can't seem to focus, or decide what to shoot.

Maples I think.

Just some yellow leaves...

Saint Luke's Church, with some fall colours.. Don't recall which little tiny town this was in, but it was itty bitty.

Crazy Hallowe'en house.

Red Leaves.

Willow Creek behind my house

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