Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Unsure if this will work.
Here's to hoping.
This is a video from my time in Japan, when Keiko and I went up this tower (damn, what is it called?!) and saw these ridiculous people playing soccer on a tennis court.
Very amusing, indeed.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pinetree in sunlight at the Kinmount Fair, September 2006.

My bangs got really long, before I managed to haul ass to the mall and get them trimmed.

Leana and Heather at my place.

Leana and Heather... goofy.

Leana and I had almost identical bite marks in our Dutch Apple doughnuts, so we took a photo. I think I insisted we take one. Stupid, really.

My friend, Heather, wearing my dad's nametag from some bizarro Liberal event that happened at Chappell Farms. "Hi, my name is Erik."

My dad holding our little bundle of joy, Jakob. She is the smarmiest little bitch cat who ever stalked the earth.

Glasses, gloss.

Red cap.

Red cap, again.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"I'll blow your brains out if you touch my melons."

Who else's mother would say such a thing!


That is all.