Technically Monday AM, but Sunday to me still, and I'm home, warming myself by the halogen heating lamp. Quite pleasant, actually. I wanna post something substantial, but I also want to post some pictures from yesterday. I wonder if I have the patience for both? Let's see!
Okay, so it is definitely about 1:20am, so I'm going to do a quick commentary/tag for each picture and then I'm going to sleep. This week has been ROUGH!
Went to a cafe called CENTRAL with Keiko on Saturday afternoon, had some Mauritius Vanilla tea, and bruler with bananas. (Yes, I realize that makes no sense.) Was quite a cool cafe, French and Italian.

This was a neat steel statue of a giraffe in Kobe, I wonder who made it? There were quite a few nice scupltures there; I'd like Em to take some photos when she's here in December.

Kobe Habour Front. Quite pretty, although it was getting a bit windy and chilly when Keiko and I were there. There were rides and stuff which was cool, even a big ferris wheel!

Things in Japan are weird. (If you're just tuning in now, check out cake hat photo and reindeer robber mask.) This is a doghouse that's actually a hollow strawberry. I hesitate to overuse the term, but WTF, seriously? What dog wouldn't feel threatened living a giant fruit?

We don't have these in Canada. Escalators that are wavy or look like a big staircase with moving stairs on it. I thought it was cool, mind you, clearly all the Japanese people around thought I was demented for photographing it.

This mall in Kobe was very pretty, lots of lights. I imagine at night it would be utterly stunning. there were even huge animals lit up: a bear (kuma), a whale, a fish, etc. Poinsettas everywhere, too. (If only I could have remembered that YESTERDAY! Keiko beat me to the punch.)

One last photo: the huge tree. You can see it in the previous picture, but this is a close-up. It was lovely, although the stroke lights were a bit much. Christmas is SERIOUS in Japan.

So, I think that's it for now. I did other things besides shop, like have dinner with Tomoe and stuff, but I'm too exhausted to tell the story now, more to follow.
That is the coolest elevator I've ever seen Lily. I wish we had those in Canada. Not the strawberry doghouse though - I'll never understand some aspects of Japanese culture... Miss you! - Sima
I take it you dont get to come back home for Christmas...? Well, atleast they celebrate it there, shouldn't feel too weird i suppose. Oh, is that tree real or fake? If real, that's one funky tree, very tall and perfectly trimmed.
I'm going to demonstrate my unhealthy obsession with Star Trek by pointing out that keiko is Chief O'Brien's wife's name.
That's it. That's all I got.
P.s. Sima, they're called escalators not elevators.
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