Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Guess where I am?
And on the internet, in case you're a little slow on the draw.

What a pain in the ass it's been. I tried to set it up myself; and mac instructions in Japanese are NOT fun, let me tell you. Calling the NTT English help line was USELESS because I tried calling for 2 hours! BUSY. And local calls in Japan are metered: 10 yen/minute. Crazy, eh? My friend, Keiko, tried to help me out with it, but neither of us could do it. Randomly, Ravi called and saved the day. He's always doing that. (Amusing that, "mmm the brackets... I mean, no what are they CALLED! the greater than and less than signs, with dots in between!" was the key to my having the internet here at home.) God bless you, Ravi.

I have a feeling I might be temporarily addicted to the internet for a bit now.

So, news. I have a lot of photos to put up, but I'm hungry for breakfast/lunch right now, so I'll just say a bit about what's been happening with me.

My manager booked me a doctor's appointment and informed me of it on Monday. (It was for today.) I was sort of internally freaking out. I HATE doctors. (Despite 'Scrubs' being my favourite show... curious.) I asked if the doctor was English speaking, and she said no. I said "why not?" This may seem a little rude, but take into account I live in a city of 290,000 people here; they've got to have doctors. My appointment is in KOBE, about 15-20 minutes by train. Why travel if it's still in Japanese? So I spoke to my head teacher, who said it's not mandatory (which is good, because they claimed when we applied that no physical was necessary and I was beginning to feel mislead.) I also spoke to my trainer and he told me what it involved and that it's my choice. My choice is no. Unfortunately, my manager wasn't in until the evening yesterday, so I left her a note saying I was uncomfortable with this appointment thing. We'll see what happens there.

At my own expense, I went through getting a physical and various travel immunizations done. What a pissoff to think I could have just had the physical here. Although *shudder* an assembly line of Japanese doctors scares the crap out of me!

Anyways, also, on last Saturday night we had the office/school Hallowe'en party. VERY exciting. Our lobby was filled to brimming with people, some in costume, most not. Fun evening. Yesterday, 3:30pm-4:30pm was our Kid's Party. Dressing up as a devil midday was a bit odd. The big Hallowe'en shindig starts at 8:30pm Saturday night at Murphy's. I've only passed through there once, so it might be nice to meet some other gaijins.


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