Thursday, September 29, 2005

So, here I am once again in sEattle's Best. You'd think I was a coffee lover. Not so.

But this is all I have right now, so I have about 15 minutes to get a small blog entry up for the day. Things have calmed down a bit since the last entry, in which I was pretty upset. I cried so much, lol my eyes were all puffy and I looked terrible. I think it was beginning to freak out my Manager and Head Teacher a bit. They had no idea why I was so off the wall.

I got my new cellphone the other day, though I'm not completely out of contact thank goodness. I'm calling the company about setting up my internet connection at the apartment today before I start working, so hopefully I won't have to wait too long. I miss being in contact with all my friends back home.

Teaching is going decently, I think. It isn't easy but the students are extremely nice and kind, and forgiving when I make a mistake. It's almost time for work, actually. But today I have lots of breaks, thank goodness. Sometimes teaching is utterly exhausting. My first lesson is a private lesson, so it's lower pressure. I find it tough not to yawn, though because I'm not sleeping properly right now.

Bought a sweatshirt that says: "SEVES THE EARTH." haha. WTF. SAVES, people, SAVES! Below that, in nice small lettering, it also says "Eye is turned to a small case." I don't even know where they were going with that one. Get an English editor, for the love of GOD! You have to be amused. Otherwise, you'd get angry all the time. Some days, though, i find myself flabbergasted and perturbed. I saw a guy at the grocery store in a green t-shirt. Normal enough, right?

His shirt said "GAY'S PARADE." I only wonder if he realized the rammifications of this procalamation. Maybe that's what he was going for. Let's hope.

So, on that note, this is Lily, signing off for this week in Akashi, Japan. Please stay tuned for further updates, hopefully within the next seven days. *smirks* Can you imagine if the real news operated like that? *sigh*
Until next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take heart in the uncertainty of transience. Especially for those of us more accustomed to organization, chaos may be exactly what one needs and yet dreads.
Deception and empty promises are just another facet of a different equally friendly and warm albeit alien culture.

- @-) -

8:40 a.m.  

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