So, this is a nice shot Ray took the other day. Early on in our time in Osaka, but I didn't manage to get the photo from her until now. (Ray on left, me on right... for the vast world of unkonwns out there!)
It's about 6:11pm here, and I'm contemplating dinner. It's served in the hotel restaurant. I would kill a man for fish and chips... or pizza without little purple arms on it.
So... little purple arms and cheese and a sort of pita-thin crust. Where can you find such a thing? Why, in Akashi! Had my "Welcome to Japan!" party last night, although it feels like a million years ago now. I had a nap after arriving in Akashi, because I was seriously sleepy by that point in time. I trekked it back to my school for about 8:00pm, and arrived right on time. (While usually this would be "late" by Japanese standards, it was right on time, as we were leaving for the party at 8:20pm.) I had a chance to meet a few students I'll be teaching, some of whom were amazingly nice. I was very impressed by their skills in English.
We headed out to the party. I cannot for the life of me remember the Japanese teachers names! All three, save one, have names beginning with the lettter 'm'... and the one whose doesn't starts with an 'n'. Argh. I'll get it, though, it's only a matter of time. My managed was very sweet. Took me home to my hotel beforehand and everything, helped me work out the internet. (Bless her heart; it's my lifeline to home right now, especially given that I haven't met many people yet!)
Considering whether bringing a book to dinner would be rude? Hmmm. I'll have to think more on that.
So, the party was a success. I met some amazing people, and the foreign teachers seem quite nice as far as I can tell. Minor tension, but I think it's old tension, or it feels that way, anyhow.
Another photo: this time from Friday night. This followed our last day of training (WOOHOO!) after we had successfully taught a 47 minute lesson. We were all very relieved to have that first one under our belts. So, here we are, celebrating at "Fish People" restaurant, close to the school, at Yodoyobashi station.

Oh, what a night. I hadn't had a drop of alcohol in quite a long time, considering the living situation pre-Japan, most of you know why, but I digress. 3 beers definitely gave me a nice small celebratory buzz. Was nice to hear the stories of crazy other trainees and other training weeks. I think, overall, Ray, Chris and I were an okay group of girls for them to train. We worked really hard, even though somedays we were jet lagged and cranky from losing sleep. (Sidenote: sushi for breakfast can also make one cranky. Even my Japanese teacher at Akashi thought that was TOO much.)
I think I will go to dinner, might add to this post later on...
Later: 8:40pm. Back in the room, all by my lonesome.
Dinner was... interesting. I went down to the hotel restaurant, where the staff tried to help me figure things out. I picked up a tray of food, and they gestured to some beverages (tea, iced coffee and water) behind me, so I managed that just fine. Then, onto the rice! (I have a feeling I'm going to consume a lot of rice in the next 12 months!) The rice cooker was monstruous. It was, and I say this safely, the hugest rice cooker I have ever beheld in my short life. Just to give you an idea of its sheer scope... think of the top of a Western stove with four burners. It was the circle that would fit inside that square. That's a helluva a lot of rice. I opted for a small bowl thereof.
Dinner was tiny: very light. There was a dish with about four pieces of sprout and some kind of seaweed. Also, two tiny plates of pickled something. Some lettuce, a small bowl of rice, a half-piece of fried fish (tail and all), and a small spring roll. I am still kind of hungry, but I will adjust. I am honestly happy about the food portion sizes, but sometimes I do get a crazing for a Western sized breakfast or whatever. I imagine that will be how I feel all year long; usually fine, with the odd bout of needing something with all my being.
Currently, listening to "The Love Notes" a cd that my coworker, Eli, put together with her friends. I got it this summer, and I'm fnally sitting down to have a good long listen. It's pretty amazing stuff.
Anyways, it's 9:04pm. I need to relax for awhile.
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