Thursday, September 15, 2005

11:11pm. Make a wish.

Current Annoyance: People don't leave an away message
Is it my job to guess if you're around or not? (Rhetorical question, people. Clearly, it is not.) The technology, while advanced, is not so complex as to prevent people from figuring out an away message! It's msn; not rocket science. What is so weird about that? I have away messages. I even had away messages specifically for my life: thesis, studying, cat napping. You name it, I had a message letting people know why I was cleared signed in, but not at the computer.


Today was my second day "teaching." We taught a group of three Japanese students. Teaching them was phenomenal, they are the kindest, sweetest people. We had three women. I taught a lesson about discussing symptoms of being sick. It went pretty well, so I was content. I was over simplifying language though,. Gotta watch that!

My company is full of amazing people. All very supportive, and helpful. But it's still stressful to be here, to be training, to be waiting to go to my school in Akashi. I want to BE there already! My school sounds amazing. Apparently, it's very chill. I'm looking forward to that. This training has been high stress. *sigh*

My roomies, Chrstina and Ray, have been my saving grace. I couldn't survive this week without them, they make everything more bearable. Including my trainers. GOOD LORD. By the end of the day, I'm getting a little punchy, and I can't keep myself from saying inappropriate things. (Close friends: you know of what I speak.)

Anyways, I need some rest. I'm sorry there haven't been any exciting stories. No life stories. No boy/man stories. No drama, really, to speak of, whatsoever. I miss you guys, and I hope life's grand back in Canada. DL Skype.

"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Oscar Wilde


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