Sunday, March 26, 2006

A lovely sunny Sunday... a bit muddy, but otherwise beautiful.

Sitting in the living room, with "Midnight Train to Georgia" blasting.... er, playing on my tiny itty bitty white speakers and ipod. Perfect environment to make a far overdue blog post.

I logged into my email last night, and actually bothered to open the annoying WAYN (Where are you now?) email with monthly updates. Lord knows why I signed up for this service. I think someone I know signed up and I figured why not. (Stupid stupid stupid.) At any rate, I bothered to sift through my old emails and find the one with my username and password. (On another note, I HATE when they don't tell you a password can only be a certain number of characters and then it slices yours into some haphazard word that you'd never ina million years enter! Like, for instance, if your password was "preposterous", and the site in question decides your password is ACTUALLY "prepos." Grrr.) I logged into and, low and behold, safari kept booting me off the site! Seriously annoying. Also annoying were the numerous 35+ men who saw fit to send me a "hello." WTF, guys, did you really think I'd be enticed? Enough said.

My fellow bloggers, Sima and Jon, have decided to rename their blog, on account of the fact they will be relocating to Yuppieville. I guess I had not realized how permanent the move out west really was. Sad!!! Truthfully, I am happy for them; I hope the move is great and their new condo rocks. It's just weird. A whole bunch of my friends are getting, or have recently been, married, and from the perspective of a fellow 20-something (and an early one at that), it feels like being single is going out of style. Not to assume that it was ever chic to be solo, but I thought it was generally accepted.

Some people actually seem happy and well-adjusted. (The Joshi-Koops are a great example of this, including their well-balanced and mouth-watering meals.) Some people, though, I find myself rather bahhumbuggishly (damn straight, it's a word) wondering how they can be getting married! For numerous reasons, of course, and I'm not an expert on successful relationships, but COME ON! You're young, you have a lot left to learn, is now really the time to be getting hitched? It's mainly my female friends getting married, as I don't have THAT many male friends who actually like women, but it begs the question: what's so different about this guy? About this relationship? I find myself hearing the same things I once heard about their exes. ("He just gets me." "He's the first guy who truly loves me for who I am." "II can be myself around him." "There's never a dull moment.") If, at some point in the near (or far!) future, I start spweing such stuff, please stop me. Please take me aside and give me a good hard slap.

It's not that I don't believe a young marriage can work out; my parents got married at the ages of 20 and 22, and they've been happily married for many, many years. I just wonder why some people don't wait longer before jumping into such a life altering decision. (I sound like a majior commitment phobe, and that's not my intent.) I'm just curious...

I digress. At least on that topic.

I really miss Bridgehead. I have lots of pleasant memories of sitting there, sipping some fair trade and talking politics or summer or whatever happened to be on my mind. I think it's because I'm thinking of Sima and Jon that Bridgehead comes to mind. It also reminds me of Brad, and of Gwyn. It's been ages since I set foot ina Bridgehead. in case you're curious and not Canadian. (Shame on you!) Apparently, it's a purely Ottawa phenomenon, but it's a good one. Japan had Starbucks, but I've never been a big fan of their coffee. It made me long for Two Dollar Tuesdays at Second Cup, and all their delicious icey drinks in the long, hot days of summer.

In other news, I am escaping this hockey season relatively unscathed. I didn't even realize there WAS hockey until last night, when my friend Leana was over, and I was channel surfing and she asked me to turn back to channel 6. It was hockey. How I could have forgotten about it so completely is a mystery even to me.

Oh, also, apparently, we have MTV Canada now. (On channel 72, of all places. RANDOM!) That's all for now. More to follow at some point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lil!

Was just checking out your site, and realized that you need to get a job! ha ha. You just posted the most random post! I love it. Hope things are well in Canada, we miss you in Japan!!!

7:37 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with you on the whole "marriage" thing. everyone wants to believe that this one is forever. i'm reading a book called eleven minutes by paulo coelho (interesting name for a book about sex and love), where an unconvincing female character turns to prostitution instead of hating men after many disappointments. maybe that is what happens- i hope i get sucked into the dillusion of forever before it does though. kg.

3:33 p.m.  

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