So, voila, here are some photos of my evening out at the Duke of Argyle with my friend (and his) Mike.
Mike, with his newly-minted Guiness neck tattoo.

Lily, Mike and Dee. This is relatively early on, I think, so we're not as trashed as we were when we left later on.

This is the whole gang at the Duke of Argyle's. I have no actual idea, but I believe we had 12 people at the peak of the evening. It was quite fun. (I think someone was trash talking me during the photo, hence the middle finger action.)

This is Mike, making a stupid face. I don't actually recall why.... Funny story. we got these Guiness beer glass tattoos (faux, of course) and everyone thought it was a good plan to put them on their faces or necks. Thank goodness I didn't do that, but I did notice mine on my upper chest the next morning, when I realized my lower cut T-shirt didn't actually cover the beer! Damn.

This is our huge, huge, HUGE bill from the Duke of Argyle's on John Street in Toronto. We, as you can see, drank vast quantities of beer. Happy St. Patrick's Day INDEED. I only drank, no food, which is PROBABLY why I fell on my ass when we got back to Mike's car. (Turtle shelled!)

Jordan and I. (Jordan is Mike's housemate in Oakville.)

Post-Duke of Argyle, Mike, Jordan and I trekked it to the car, which was parked just off Spadina. (It felt far at the time.) I had some street meat. (Veggie dog with saurkraut, onions, and mustard, What the HELL was I thinking? The colours were pleasing to me at that time...) I tried to get into the car and fell backwards and stuff. I SUCK. Also, managed to wake up in a shirt I didn't own before we got to the bar. FUN. On the way to work the next day, Mike and I got sort of lost, and we couldn't find OSC. Genuine stupidity can be amusing.
This is me, wearing my OSC labocat, on my last day during March Break. It was so much fun. I really enjoyed being back there, in a place teeming with children and amazing hosts. On Monday, I thought we had tons in there, and we had maybe 7,400 people. By Friday, we were getting upwards of 10,000 people EVERY DAY!

Random! Mike's Jordan looks like my Jordan in London!
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