Tomorrow I will post some accompanying text, but for now, here are some pictures of my amazing Sunday with Candice, Jon and Ray.
The world... volcanic activity and density of marine life... Scientific, yet cool...

Jon, Ray, Candice, and Lily with the famous whale shark. (Ray can you doctor this? It's a bit blurry...)

Penguins. 'Nuff said.

This has GOT to be the best job on earth. Swim around in a tank, wearing wacky clothes (including tiger shorts and a Ronald McDonald wig) and wave and swing a bat and give peace signs to kids. Where do I sign up?

Many, many, many, many fish... (Amusingly enough, Jon thought this would only feed him for a WEEK.)

Funny story... the entire time we're looking at these fish, Jon is tlaking about... what else?!... SUSHI. That is just warped. You're communing with all these deep sea creatures, and Jon says they make him hungry! EVIL... At any rate, Jon, think of the fish. Especially your favourite fish, Billy (name chosen at random), you can't eat your friends.

Cutie-pie fish. Big, heartbreaker eyes.

This turtle CLEARLY gave me the evil eye... I don't know what I ever did to him (her?) but he definitely had some issues with my watching his leisurely swim. RELAX, dude.

This is a chunk of the plexiglass they use to keep all the water in at the aquarium; no wonder it's so hard to see through!

Fire jellyfish... they were beautiful...

Jon and I trapped in a shark cage. Jon looks like he SHOULD be committed. I am clearly just chillin, waiting for a shark to bite.

Wicked restaurant called "Christon" we went on Jon's recommendation! Like a Catholic church, lol but with a revolving door and lots of booze and decadent food. Tres chic.

Jon and Ray at the game centre, giving those zombies a run for their decomposing-money!

Shoot him, Ray... Get that lousy dead guy!

Take that, MOFOS!

Bitch, please...

Die evil, bastdard zombie scum!

hey hills, that picture of the fire jellyfish is amazing. i put it as my desktop! it looks like you had a fun outing-- and possible career (funny man in wierd clothes playing some sort of underwater game you don't know the rules to). take care, kg.
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