Saturday, January 07, 2006

I have never been so ashamed to be Canadian as I am today, but I suppose it could be worse. I could live in the United States, where rights are the stuff of fairytales, similar to unicorns and gargoyles. See

I am ashamed because my hometown is too sluggish and drugged by the capitalistic mayor to even notice the Conservative trash that is the candidate for the riding. Enter Patrick "Pretender" Brown. I poke fun, but I shouldn't. This guy is the whole nine yards. If nine yards were a straight run through a pile of BS. Give me a break! I leave for one lousy year, and it all goes downhill.

I'm exaggerating, though, because this jerk MOFO is the same same a**hole he was four year ago! When he *cough cough* pretended to be a lawyer. WHO PRETENDS TO BE A LAWYER! Get off your sorry ugly backside and go to law school if it's that important to you. Better still, the liar wasn't even articling at the time. That's right, he didn't even know what the law was yet, and he was claiming he was fit to practice it. Makes you wonder why he feels he's qualified to be a politican....

He also lied about numerous other things, including that his campaign lost "200 signs a night", but he never bothered to file these numbers in his elections forms. Curious.

This time around, he's pretending that the Barrie Chief of Police, Freshette, is supporting him. *smirks* Really, now Brownsy, you can do better than that, can't you. The Chief responded immediately, denying he ever supported Brown. Hmmm, doesn't look good for you, brown. Lucky that Aileen Carroll is going to kick your sorry behind like she always does. I only wish my only riding would follow suit. Those louts always elect the big bad C.

And, no, I'm not impressed by the Liberals. But at least they have half a brain. Brown claimed to have got the financial support for Barrie's Cancer Centre by himself. Sure, buddy. You're a dickwee, in the truest sense of the word, who would ever give you money? Aileen Carroll got that funding, because she actually finished wearing Huggies' Pull-ups years ago. Unlike you, Brownsy.

Anyways, so that's my rant for the day. I despise elections, although I always vote, and hope to actually change somethings, however small at some point. Most Canadians are content to whine. VOTE, damn you, VOTE. Don't whine, don't complain, don't utter a word against anyone in politics if you can't even be bothered to get up and put an x through a box, how do you expect the politicans to accomplish anything. Wise up, Canucks. Time's a ticking, and a vote means nothing because you don't value it. There's no reason for apathy. You have EVERYTHING to lose.


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