Wednesday, January 25, 2006

One small entry, so that people don't freak out about my extended absence in cyber space.

Things are okay here in Akashi. Work is a bit weird, like usual, and there have been some weird developments in my personal life. Things will calm down soon, I'm sure, but it's still a bit up in the air. Classes are going well. I had Follow-Up Training at Honbu on Saturday with my (temporary) coworker, Jon. It was a decent day, even though it started with a very serious meeting. At any rate, I am surviving. I will post new pictures as soon as I can, but that might not be for a few more days, potentially a week or so.

I just heard about the Canadian Election. *sigh* A Conservative minority. I am a bit relieved, as their government is even weaker than the Liberal one they ousted. Still, it is difficult to imagine my home as a hotbed for the righteous right. Paul Martin has fallen, thank goodness. I really did not enjoy his brand of wet-rag politics. Hopefully, the next leader of the Liberals is more capable. Maybe a bit bustier and more estrogen-filled. Nobody cares if a male politician is fat, sweaty and incompetent. Hopefully, we can extend the same standards to women. We shall see. It seems in this respect, the developing countries are a lot more advanced than we are.

Anyways, that's not even worthy of the term 'rant', but it's all I can muster, as I'm off to Honbu AGAIN tomorrow for interview training. I can barely contain my excitement.

A bientot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do Canadians really want to revisit the debacle that was Kim campbell by electing another baby factory to PM? Didn't think so.

5:51 p.m.  
Blogger CreepingLily said...

Would love to point out not ALL women want children, or indeed, are even able to have them. So suck up your tiny gonads, and don't be a p*ssy.


5:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does everyone *conveniently* forget that Kim Campbell was CLEARLY the fall guy for Brian Mulroney's incompetence? It was HE who led the party downhill and everyone knew it-which is why Campbell was propped up to take the fall for his mistakes.

That was some smart thinking on behalf of Mulroney and all the other chauvinistic assholes who realized that no one would ever (or for a long time after) want to vote for a woman because of her "incompetence" as a PM.


9:25 a.m.  
Blogger Sima said...

Kim Campbell said the smartest things I've heard, following the Jan. 23rd election - did anyone else catch it?

7:43 p.m.  

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