Sunday, March 05, 2006

March something-or-other...
I am exhausted! I am jet lagged! I am home.

Shocking, really. I knew I was leaving, but it doesn't feel real until you land in Chicago and have to deal with American customs. (Oh the joys of being a foreigner.) I am, however, alive and mostly well. I have been sleeping a lot, and trying to keep up with email and unpacking and cleaning and stuff. I didn't have a chance to unpack everything from university before heading to Japan, so I have a big job to do here!

I definitely miss Japan, although not my workplace. I am relieved to be finished there! I miss Keiko a lot, however, and I need to sit down and put a final Japan update on here and some photos of the craziness that is a Canadian winter! Way too much snow still here... Today -4, but feels like -10 (WIND CHILL!) Temperature overnight forcasted to be about -17. Brrrrr. However, by next Saturday it's supposed to be a bit rainy and, TADA, 11C. So, not quite Japanese beautiful balmy weather, but not too shabby for the great white north!

At any rate, time to shower and make myself more human!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the real world. If you think 11 below with wind chill is bad you should come up here for a visit. 40 below is about average for this time of year. And that is without wind chill.

5:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to mention that you missed the heart of the winter while in Japan, but Isaac beat me to it. :-)

A few weeks ago it was 30 or so below in PETERBOROUGH...which is not known for it's harsh winters.

Glad you're back though, Spek, we've missed you!

Love ya

4:26 p.m.  

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