So, on Sunday, Candice, Ray and I headed to Kyoto. It was a great day, albeit a little cold. Here are some photographic highlights!
Kyoto Station... quite a nifty piece of architecture.

More Kyoto Station...

More Kyoto Station...

At the top of Kyoto Station when we arrived, Candice and Ray acting like weirdos.

Some fairly realistic geisha girls we found in Kyoto. Quite lovely, although, we couldn't actually speak to them. Lol, I kind of muttered, "samui des ka?" to them under my breath, because, DAMN, it was chilly.

And now for something completely different.
Oh. my. God. What in the...? Has anyone ever beheld such an oddity as this? I call it, "breasthead." Can you imagine the panic if you woke up one morning after a bender and saw THIS staring you back in the mirror? *shudder*

As if breasthead wasn't frightening enough, check out kidhead. This poor soul not only has an unusual growth, it has a CHILD growing out of the top of its' head. What would possess anyone to create such a thing is beyond me. Ahhhh, Japan.

I'm not entirely sure why, but this sort of captues the elegance and old school beauty present in Kyoto.

Ray, Candice and I saw these faux geishas (they had digital cameras) while wondering near Kiyomizu in Kyoto. Very exciting! Although, I'd imagien they're used to people randomyl photographing them and whatnot. Apparently, you can pay and dress up like one, but it's rather pricey. Like everything else here...

Corner of a temple at Kiyomizu...

A whole field of children's memorial stones near Kiyomizu... I don't know the history behind them, but they were fascinating. Even sporting little aprons.

A close-up of one of the child memorial stones near Kiyomizu... a very strange phenomenon indeed.

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