Some random survey...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I would like to whine and moan and complain about the dire lack of posting on the JK's blog. However, I can't, because the lousy educated mofo's posted! Alas, I will have to write some sort of acceptable post myself.
Lately, I have been working at VTC. I have learned a lot working there actually, and given my lack of coordination and frustration with all things mechanical, I thought I would be terrible at this job. Surprise! I am actually pretty decent at what I am doing. I am especially effective at "handling" people. I work under the mantra that "angry people will be angry no matter what I do or say." I know that most grouchy folks (and I am generally among their masses) will be grouchy regardless of whether I smile, do my job quickly, and look cute, or not.
I have recently discovered the wonder that it is the podcast. I know, I know. I am behind the times and sorely behind the world. It's wicked, though. Last night, I discovered a show from BBC 4 called, "The Now Show." It's a comedy show, and it's bloody hilarious. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It turns out you can get everything you need to make your day sparkly and spiffy in a podcast: news, comedy, music, high brow discussion of film, politics, hobbies, unsigned musicians... You name it, biatch (had to give Chapelle some love) you can find it in podcastland.
As an aside, have you ever noticed how the effectiveness of any given comedian is directly related to the level of connection made? If a comedian talks about stuff that has no bearing on my existence (for example, anything relating to any higher form of engineering), I don't find it all that amusing. Last night's little burst of comedic relief, however, brought up the issue of generic vs. brand name drugs. It outlined the dilemma we all feel at the drugstore when faced with buying a generic or a brand name. Do we really think we're getting something better in purchasing the overpriced, patentless gbrand name? How could we, they pondered, think that anything was different between the two small bottles. After all, it's a chemical compound, it's not really open to interpretation. Aside from sugar coated or gel type pills, I think they're right. I do enjoy my sugar coated Advil, though, even if it's no different than Life brand ibuprofen. Alas.
I am typing away here, while my father watches a programme on the Dayton Codebreakers. It never ceases to amaze me how arrogance can destroy. I would sya more, but my brain's a bit foggy right now.
The weather here has been absolutely glorious the past few days. Crisp, clear and sunny days. A bit of wind, but nothing unmanageable. I hope that it persists through the weekend, as I'm not working Saturday. It's tax time here in Canada, so dad is steadily getting everything ready to start it up tomorrow morning. (He gets up at 5am; the taxes stand no chance.)
At any rate, I am a bit tired. I'm going to call it a day, but will post again when I have something worthwhile to say.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
It's a Thursday afternoon, and mom and I have errands to run, but I thought I'd put up a few photos. I went to a Childcare meeting last night, which was very interesting. Prime Minister Harper is not only a hypocrite, he fails to understand basic economics, and how to build a strong economy. The word dumbass comes to mind, but I suppose all I can do is write letters and make sure he knows people oppose his idiocy. I'll put up a proper post later on this week.
Kempenfelt Bay by night...

Maple blossoms... who knew?

Jakob, walking about and clearly thinking she owns the world.

Jakob, looking slightly sleepy and annoyed at being bothered by me.

Marlo nosing around in the backyard. Apparently, the dirt is REALLY interesting. Also, though, I think that little blue-ish flower is a crocus. Life is finally peaking up from the earth here.

Some lovely red blossoms on the maple in our backyard. I was really sad to be missing out on the sakura in Japan, but this brightened my day a little bit. They aren't sakura, but they'll do for now!

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Update time. It is now Easter Sunday, and we just got home from a short drive around the area. I was looking to photograph a sunset, but my camera batteries died after I'd only taken a few shots, so sadly there aren't many to choose from. It's getting warmer and warmer, and the days grow longer, so that the sun was only just setting after 8:00pm.

We had a nice turkey dinner this evening, which was quite good, but small because it was just mom, dad and I. Emily is still out east in Halifax, even though she finished her exams on the 14th. As an RA, she doesn't get to leave until the bitter end!

I went to Ottawa this past week. I took an early 9:30am bus on Sunday morning, and arrived in Ottawa mid-afternoon. Took a cab to Emma's place, and we sat around talking for a few hours. It was nice to see her and catch up.
On Monday, I hung out with met up with Becca for coffee on campus. Everything was so different! They demolished the area where Oliver's used to be, and there was construction all over the place. It was pretty ugly. It felt quite strange being there when I wasn't on my way to class or to the library to study. Ran off to get myself a much needed haircut (last time I waited 5 months, and it was a disaster, so I only waited 2 this time... much better!) at Tluip's. Also had some Thai with Anderson at Sala Thai, which was delicious but I didn't feel great afterward. Watching "King Kong" which was much better than I expected.
Tuesday morning I met up with Brad for coffee at Bridgehead, which was awesome, and we even had lunch at the Arrow and Loon, our old beer and wings hangout. Managed to get my ass ready for the AKC Awards Dinner, and arrive on time. It was awesome, because Rick Mercer was there, receiving an award for public discourse.
Anyways, need some shut eye.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
So, time for a small update on life in LilyLand...
I have been opening at the sotre every morning this week, which as meant being there by 9:15am. I am NOT a morning person, so it has been very difficult for me to adjust. I'm always tired! I have learned a lot, though. I can open and close the store, more or less make the cash register do its' magic, change batteries and straps... I am learning more by the day, luckily, so soon I will be able to do most small jobs.
Next week on Tuesday evening, the annual Arthur Kroeger College Awards Dinner will be occurring in Ottawa. I am headed up that way on Sunday, and I can't wait! I get to see Emma on Sunday and I've really missed her. I also get to meet up with Becca and Anderson, which is stellar. Hopefully, there will also be some familiar faces at the alumni table where I'll be stationed for Tuesday evening. I promise to post photos of the whole glam evening once I am safely back in Barrie. (Probably Thursday evening... I'll be working Thursday. It'll be good to have a mini-vacation though.)
I am very tired. So I'm going to call it a night, as it's almost 11:00pm and I'm quite tired. Opening again tomorrow; up at 7:30am. Sleep tight, world.