It's a Thursday afternoon, and mom and I have errands to run, but I thought I'd put up a few photos. I went to a Childcare meeting last night, which was very interesting. Prime Minister Harper is not only a hypocrite, he fails to understand basic economics, and how to build a strong economy. The word dumbass comes to mind, but I suppose all I can do is write letters and make sure he knows people oppose his idiocy. I'll put up a proper post later on this week.
Kempenfelt Bay by night...

Maple blossoms... who knew?

Jakob, walking about and clearly thinking she owns the world.

Jakob, looking slightly sleepy and annoyed at being bothered by me.

Marlo nosing around in the backyard. Apparently, the dirt is REALLY interesting. Also, though, I think that little blue-ish flower is a crocus. Life is finally peaking up from the earth here.

Some lovely red blossoms on the maple in our backyard. I was really sad to be missing out on the sakura in Japan, but this brightened my day a little bit. They aren't sakura, but they'll do for now!

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